Webinar Video: ITM Shares MultiDAQ Configuration Tips

Our second monthly Webinar at ITM focused specifically on how to configure the MultiDAQ plugin for our iTestSystem software. Two of our engineers — Chase Petzinger, a software developer, and Todd Holtkamp, a field test engineer, hosted the free online demo on Oct. 2, 2014, to walk users through exactly how to configure ITM’s custom product when using National Instruments MAX hardware.

As you can see in the archived video, they also covered how to create a MultiDAQ session, how to create a task, how to enable synchronization, how to select specific hardware and channels to record data and, finally, they gave some tips for setting up file settings. As usual, we finished off the Webinar by allowing those who joined the GOTO Meeting session to pose specific questions.

Stay tuned for news of our next Webinar so you can join us live.

— ITM President Tim Carlier